Ethics and anti-corruption

Letter from the Chairman of the Board

“In the exercise of our business, business ethics is the primary requirement of our daily action.

Beyond the prevailing trends, our role is to guide our customers in their choices and support them in their major transformation projects, by building on the ethical principles and values that characterize us. 74Software’s women and men in 26 multi-cultural countries share the values of teamwork, progress, trust, a taste for innovation, excellence and service.”

74Software’s Code of Ethics is part of an approach of transparency, fairness and loyalty with all of our stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers and civil society actors.

The Code of Ethics defines the rules that any Group company and any outside and / or temporary employee and partners must respect, both in their behavior internally and towards individuals and companies in their professional relations. It also defines the alert procedures put in place in case of non-compliance with these rules.

We make sure that our anti-corruption rules are known to all third parties with whom we interact. It is in the spirit of excellence that 74Software  has been built and developed and it is with this objective that our Group will continue to build relationships with all of its stakeholders.”


Pierre Pasquier
Chairman of the Board

74Software’s action falls within a framework of strong ethical principles and compliance with the entirety of the rules governing its business. That commitment forms the bedrock of the relationship of trust between the company and its stakeholders. 74Software has put in place in all its entities a programme for preventing and fighting corruption and influence peddling, which is underpinned by:


  • An undertaking by the Group’s Management recalling the importance of prevention and the policy of zero tolerance where corruption is concerned.
  • Horizontal governance under the authority of the Internal Control and Risk Management Department, which is reliant upon a network of Internal Control Managers charged with compliance and risk management in each of its entities. 
  • An Ethics Charter for the prevention of corruption, illustrated with concrete examples and published in 3 languages, covering all the Group's entities.

  • A training programme comprising an e-learning module intended to raise the awareness of all employees and classroom-based sessions for employee categories deemed to be more exposed to risks of corruption.
  • A whistleblowing system, available to all counterparts, takes into account the requirements of the anticorruption regulation and the French law on the duty of vigilance:

  • Insider Trading Rules relating to securities transactions and the prevention of insider trading compliant with the EU market abuse regulation.

  • A gifts and invitations policy to mitigate the corruption and fraud risks. The reasonableness, timing and frequency of gifts and invitations remain the main criteria for striking the right balance between maintaining good business relationships and respecting our legal and ethical commitments.

  • Supplier & Partner Charter setting out 74Software’s commitments to its suppliers and partners, as well as the commitments expected of them.



Code of ethics

Securities Trading Code of Conduct

Alert procedure

Supplier & Partner Charter

Gifts and Invitations Policy